About Us
Nature Lovers
NEEN is a non-profitable organization for environmental educators committed to creating environmental awareness for all in Namibia.
NEEN Background
The Namibia Environmental Education Network (NEEN) was created by various Namibian environmental education practitioners and educators in response to the desire to work collaboratively towards several nationally recognized objectives. One such objective is the sharing of information and resources in an effort to enhance environmental awareness and education activities. The networking amongst members through NEEN, therefore, creates significant opportunities for capacity building in education for sustainable development. NEEN was constituted and registered as a Not-for-Profit Organization in June 1995, with its own constitutional and active steering committee. Its membership comprises of Government Ministries, Non-Governmental organizations, community-based organizations, schools, private sectors, media partners and interested individuals.
NEEN was constituted and registered as a Not-for-Profit Organization in June 1995, with its own constitutional and active steering committee. Its membership comprises of Government Ministries, Non-Governmental organizations, community-based organizations, schools, private sectors, media partners and interested individuals.
However, the fact that the network has not been active since 2004 has been a bottleneck to the collective implementation of environmental education/education for sustainable development initiatives.
In an attempt to revitalize and strengthen this important network, the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism held several consultative meetings and conferences since 2009. At the last conference held at Waterberg Plateau Park from the 10 – 12th May 2013, a National Network Coordinator was appointed to spearhead the networking and implementation of key activities until the next conference scheduled for May 2014. This Terms of Reference (TOR) briefly outlines the key tasks to be performed during the aforementioned period.
Regional Network Representatives
- The Committee shall direct and manage all the affairs of the Network and shall, within the constraints of the Constitution, undertake what it considers is beneficial to the Network and might aid in achieving its Strategic Aims and Objectives.
- The Committee may be empowered by its members to enter into contracts to lease or purchase fixed property or other assets, to erect buildings and to open and operate banking accounts.
- The Committee shall have the power to nominate representatives of the Network to other bodies, organizations or committees.
- The Committee shall meet bi-annually to attend to business of the Network at such place/s as the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in consultation with the Chairperson may determine.
- Eight (8) members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
- The Committee may delegate any powers to sub-Committees comprising any number of members of the Network, whether Committee members or not, and may revoke such delegation, provided that the Chairperson of his/her nominee shall, ex-officio, be a member of any such sub-Committee.
- The Committee shall have the power to draft contracts and contract members for outsourcing of activities, projects, short-term contracts, consultancies and programs beneficial to NEEN in achieving its strategic aims.
- The Committee shall allocate and delegate activities to the NEEN network Coordinator in line with the TOR.
Key Performance Indicators
NEEN is driven with the passion to achieve goals and objectives in Namibia and we are guided by the followings KPI indicators;
- Growth in the Membership of NEEN
- Monthly reporting of Regional EE/ESD Activities (through Coordinator)
- Participate in EEASA Conferences (Exhibitions/Presentations)
- Host the annual NEEN conference
Year Of Experience
Successful Conference
Team Members
Schools Enrolled
Meet The Team

Zackaria Domingo
NEEN Chairperson

Hiskia Tyapa

Liina Nantinda
NEEN Coordinator

Prof. Alex Kanyimba
NEEN Advisor
NEEN membership is open to individuals, private and public companies, non-profit organizations, foundations, private and public educational institutions, etc. For more information on membership types, click here.
Our organization and its network of stakeholders are focused on creating environmental awareness in public schools, public and private organizations. In addition, we support environmental projects such as a school garden, environmental clubs, etc.
Creating an environmental awareness, create a platform for stakeholders to engage, advise and share ideas, promote environmental activities in schools, engaging with the blue and green sector, coordinates environmental education activity in schools, etc.